
Genesis Energy IQ – Powering Big Business Energy Intelligence

Powering big business energy optimisation through visibility and insights


Genesis Energy is New Zealand’s largest energy retailer, powering over 650,000 consumers & businesses. Despite providing great energy management tools for consumers, Large Business are often left in the dark.


The Challenge

Large Business customers are a crucial segment of Genesis Energy’s customer base, with large, multi-year energy contracts contributing significantly to revenue. However, these customers have limited visibility, access or insight around how they use energy with Genesis. Customers have to manually extract data from monthly invoices to understand and report on their energy management
. It is not easy to identify discrepancies or abnormalities in the data, and understand the associated impacts on cost
. There is no shared view between customers and Account Managers to communicate issues relating to energy management.

The Process

Defining Value

Defining the Journey

Shaping the Solution

Prototype Testing

Tested with 10 customers, across different lenses,

Specifically, understand how the dashboard:

  • Delivers value to our audience segments
  • Supports access, visibility and understanding of energy data
  • Positions Genesis as an Energy Partner

The Outcome

App Downloads
NZ DHB Adoption Rate
Clinical disciplines

The Outcome

At this stage we have 12 pilot customers who have been migrated, and we’re working towards onboarding the remaining bulk of our customers (circa 650+) in the coming months.

say hello

Currently senior product designer at Thriva, shaping the future of healthcare. If you'd like to chat, say or connect with me on LinkedIn.